As to the title question:
CHRISTIANITY is a cult. So the answer is just 'yes'
the awake on "hope for the homelessness" was one of the worse illustrations how the cult has no love for anyone that can't provide donations to further this spiritual ponzi scheme!
the premise of this awake made no sense, i've read many books and took classes on social issues affecting mankind, the awake does not help fix the problem.
what did this magazine offer those who are suffering the humiliation of living out of their cars or "tent city" or under a bridge?
As to the title question:
CHRISTIANITY is a cult. So the answer is just 'yes'
the latest controversy over the confederate flag just sums up to me the state of dysfunction that exists in american society.. in summary: a white supremacist nutter shoots 9 black people dead in a church.
he's clearly inspired by the messages of others which the confederate flag is often a symbol of.. it seems like a no-brainer to remove it.
not only isn't it removed, it isn't even lowered at all as a mark of respect.. and of course now there are the people who want to defend their right to have it.
I literally want Britain to rule us again.
The things I've seen on FB over this flag make me sick. I've felt it should be gone since I first learned what it was in school.
for many christians, the bible is viewed as the 100% error-free, perfect book straight from god, where every single word was carefully chosen by god for a reason.
but, usually, when you have a discussion on the topic, these christians will end up saying that only the original copies written directly from the hands of the prophets and apostles were error-free, and all manuscript copies since then are subject to copyist mistakes and other errors.. since zero original copies are in existence, how do we know the originals were error-free?
why should we think the originals should be error-free to begin with?
The bible is either true or it is not. There cannot be some strange middle ground. If God is like a man that can make errors in his writings then God is my equal and should I meet him I will beat the hell out of him.
If you are willing to admit the bible has errors then it is only a very small step (soon to be taken I suspect) to realizing it's all a bunch of horse shit. Why would an omnipotent, omniscient God leave his perfect fallible word? 😂
so being around this cult, i always found it interesting that the rest of christianity use ad/bc and the non christians use bce/ce.
i never put two and two together.
but, it dawned on me that once again there is hidden proof that the witness cult is and anti-christ cult.
I prefer, AC/DC
please tell me what do you understand from this quote that is taken from w july 2015, the article your deliverance is close paragraph 5.. i understand that not all members of other religions will be destroyed at armageddon.
i talked to a jw.
he says he understands differently: they will not be destroyed when the babylon the great will be destroyed but they will be destroyed in armageddon.
if jesus was enthroned in 1914, and if he inspected all of the earth's religions in 1919, choosing the wtbts as his, then wasn't he choosing a religion that was manmade?
if he didn't choose it until 1919, then what was the watchtower organization in 1918 or, for that matter, in 1914?
and what happened to the church jesus organized when he said anciently, "i will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it"?.
richard dawkins admitted that information inside of dna, and the origin of life on earth, might point to intelligent designers, perhaps extraterrestrials.
(see )richard dawkins further admitted, in a debate with francis collins for time magazine, that science might point to a creator existing, but that this creator might not be anything like yahweh:.
time: "could the answer be god?
Viviane19 hours ago
If someone were to ask: Is Richard Dawkins an agnostic or an atheist? How would one respond?
And please, friends, do not direct me to a book. Just a simple answer would suffice and I will go my way off this thread.Ask Richard Dawkins. Or read a book.
This exactly. Dawkins makes his position very clear and understandable in chapter three (i think it's 3) of the God delusion.
Theres no confusion at all.
flipping thru the pages of the april 15 wt study edition, i bumped into something that strikes me as odd.
not that the wt never publishes odd things, but usually such comes in the form of misapplied scripture or hidden second meanings.
i've never paid attention before but to me this is the first time i see a whole paragraph with no bible verses to read.. in the article tiled "always trust in jehovah!
I'm confused.
The bible does make reference to the coliseums where Christians were fed to wild animals. Even if it didn't, both the human torch thing and the wild animals are documented history.
thing is, the Christians appear to have asked for it. When brought to trial they would frequently and aggressively assert that they didn't recognize the authority of the court - poking the bear quite hard. This little tidbit usually gets ignored by Christians today when talking about this.
last night a young man in a bar struck up a conversation with me.
our town is having our pride parade soon and he brought it up, the bible and how it's against the bible.
me being me, i said that i couldn't care less that it was against the bible and that it was a horrible guide for morality anyway.
The more I think about Christians making the bible a huge allegorical story the more I like it.
think about it. That's kinda what happened with the past pantheons right? I could see this leading Christians from theism to pantheism, and that would be awesome.
richard dawkins admitted that information inside of dna, and the origin of life on earth, might point to intelligent designers, perhaps extraterrestrials.
(see )richard dawkins further admitted, in a debate with francis collins for time magazine, that science might point to a creator existing, but that this creator might not be anything like yahweh:.
time: "could the answer be god?
FT. Just *sigh.
Im actually currently reading The God Delusion - and everything you've said here is absurd. Please read the book immediately.